Monday, July 24, 2006


many years ago when I first had to iron for myself, I ironed everything, from panties to face washers...........but now 20 years down the track I have learned only iron what you have to!!! but i still don't like to see a wrinkle, so I iron shirts and jeans..........have a great day everyone.....Ag


Blogger green said...

i despise ironing...this is why i love no-iron pinpoint shirts... and why i don't really give a crap if my clothes are wrinkled.

11:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I used to love ironing....but don't really care for it anymore. I try to buy fabrics that don't wrinkle so hardly ever need to iron any more.

I think one of the reaons I liked ironing when I was young was because I used to iron my Dad's work uniform...and it made me feel close to him when I did it.

9:54 AM

Blogger Tigerblue said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your mum!

Ironing brings back memories of my Grandma. She used to do ironing for other people. They would bring baskets of clothes to her to iron. She had an old 7-UP bottle with holes poked in the cap that she used to sprinkle water onto the clothes. I would hang around her sometimes for hours just dancing around the ironing board.

More ironing stories: My mom dropped the iron on my Uncle's head when they were kids. Just one of the stories she used to tell us.

Geez. Bet you never thought a post about ironing would garner such a long winded response.

Have a beautiful day or night depending when you read this.

10:44 AM


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