Saturday, July 29, 2006


evening summary..........sipping iced coffee...........commenting on blogs.......there is no such a thing as too many nice pics.......wishing minnie a cooler week ahead......which got me to thinking is it hotter on the west or east coast....or is it all much of the same temp....??? :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola, AG!

Hmmmm, I think it has been HOT on the West Coast...and off and on on the East Coast.

We may break 100 degrees this weekend, which is quite unusual for the state of Minnesota.


11:56 PM

Blogger Tigerblue said...

Howdy, Ag.

My roommate is visiting family in California this week. She says its HOT there too, but she still thinks its hotter here in the middle of the country.

Have a great week!!!!!

2:50 AM


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