Saturday, August 19, 2006


thinking I would be nice to the family and go and buy takeout, I headed out from where I live and have to cross an extremely busy road I proceeded out, to what I thought I had done for the last 20 years carefully but not seeing a motorcycle coming down the road.....heard a huge this point I was quiet calm and got out of the car to see this poor guy getting up off the road, other people had stopped thankfully to direct traffic, then an ambulance and tow truck appeared .....the guy luckily only had a sore knee....he said this was his second collission...he is fast running out of luck that guy!!! he walked his bike home and I went home without my little car....damage only to the wheel.....but as I walked home the shock set in and I thought shyt I could have killed that guy!! this has been my 2nd accident in 30 years of driving....but it makes you think that life is so precious....Ag


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ag. that really sucks about your accident. i'm glad no one was hurt too badly. it is crazy how many reminders there are of life's fragility...

3:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm glad everything was fine and all he had was a sore knee.

4:07 PM

Blogger Tigerblue said...

Whoa! Glad things turned out well. It really makes you think about enjoying every minute we get.
Hope you had a good week so far.

10:56 AM

Blogger Tigerblue said...

Hope you are having a good start to your weekend. Ag.

9:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ag, I haven't visited your blog in a few days...and here I see you were in an accident. Whew! That must have been a shock to your system.

You take care,!

11:26 AM


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