Sunday, September 17, 2006


well i was out shopping over the weekend and the first signs of xmas are appearing in this does not usually happen till October....but we are only in mid this happening anwhere else in the world????? next weekend I am sure they will have the decorations up and the Santa seat ready!!!! CRIKEY....have a fantastic weekend Kelkians....


Blogger Tigerblue said...

They haven't started with the Christmas stuff yet but I am sure it'll be out before Halloween is over on October 31st.

I used to work retail and we would put up the holiday stuff in late September. Geez.

12:59 AM

Blogger sparklemotion said...

oh no, not halloween! we definitely don't celebrate it but that doesn't stop the little kids from knockin on your front door. we have been taken over by american consumerism - not that there's anything wrong with that ...

1:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah a lot of halloween stuff out right now, but usually christmas stuff is up before halloween is even over or just after.

3:05 PM


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