Sunday, October 01, 2006


Starbucks has finally come to my local area....I have NEVER had a I would like some recommendations of what to try......Ag


Blogger Tigerblue said...

Sorry, Ag. I cannot give you any coffee recommendations 'cause I do not drink coffee. Stopping by to say hi! and to wish you a good second half of the week.

2:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aussie Girl! Get a medium latte nonfat! Highly recommended....and why I named my blog:

Tall Latte Skinny for:

Tall=size of the cup (smallest size cup at Starbucks)
Latte=type of coffe drink
Skinny=nonfat milk

12:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! omg I'm a little late sorry.

Try the caramel Frappucino, or if you prefer a little more coffee taste, go for the marble mocha macciato, mmm those are my favorites.

But when in doubt, try one of everything! That's what I did the first time I went to starbucks, every morning on my way to school I would get a different drink until I found something I really liked.

1:44 AM

Blogger Aussie girl said...

mmm...tin and minnie...they both sound yummy!!!

4:50 PM


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